Domino V11 and Connections 6.5 Global Launch Video

HCL Domino Earlier today, HCL had a global launch event for Domino v11 and Connections 6.5 in Tokyo. For those that couldn’t attend, there is now a video posted on YouTube that replays the event

Check it out. I was still asleep (Pacific time zone) when it happened, so I’ll be looking at it and will have some comments.

Congrats to HCL on the new release and products!

Connections 6 CR6 Available

HCL Connections HCL have released the Connections 6 CR6 update! Download is available at HCL Flexnet if you have access. If you’re a Business Partner, then you’ll probably be waiting til next week. Customers can download now.

Below is a YouTube video from HCL highlight what’s new in CR6

HCL also has a webpage in their documentation ::Link:: site that lists the fixes included in CR6.

IBM Connections 6.0 Security Refresh Available Now

Connections Logo

Just released today is a security refresh for IBM Connections 6.0 that resolves an issue with potential cross-site scripting that allows a user to embed JavaScript code into the webui. This update requires that 6.0 CR5 is installed and then you can install the patch on top of that.

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IBM Connections - Time to Update Your APNS Certs

IBM has announced that iFixes are available to update IBM Connections with the latest versions of APNS certificates used by the mobile app for Push notifications. Fixes are available for the latest CRs for 5.0 and 5.5 and both 6.0 CR3 and CR4. Please follow the link below to the IBM Technote which has links to the different downloads. The current (or most recent) APNS certificates expire on July 21, 2019, so you’ve got about 90 days to get these downloaded and installed. [Read More]

One More Setting to Force Tlsv1.2 in Connections 6.0

It appears that there is one additional setting that is needed to force IBM Connections 6.0 to use TLSv1.2. In each Application Server go to Process Definiition > Java Virtual Machine and add the following setting in the Generic JVM arguments: Save the changes and after applying to all application servers, restart the servers. Note: IBM Technote that this post was originally based on (and I referenced) is no longer available, but it appears to have been added to the HCL documentation for Connections 6. [Read More]

IBM Technote: Customizing Default Navigation Order of Apps in Connections 6.0 Mobile App

A technote published today outlines the ability to customize the default order of the apps displayed in the IBM Connections Mobile app. This does require IBM Connections 6.0 and the June 2017 update to be installed for the new setting to work. See this technote for the details on configuring the new setting. 📰 9 Aug 2019: As IBM has sold Connections and their support site may not show this permanently, I’ve added the text from the technote below [Read More]

IBM Connections 5.5 - Errors in SystemOut.log cleaning up HOMEPAGE database

Working with a client on IBM Connections 5.5 CR1, they were noticing errors in the SystemOut.log of the InfraCluster around 11pm regularly. Lately, the errors were filling up 1GB of logs for a minute when it occurred. The “critical” piece of information was the line below: Error for batch element #1: A parent row cannot be deleted Page 10 of 67 because the relationship "HOMEPAGE.NR_READ_STATUS.FK_READ_STATUS_STR" restricts the deletion.. SQLCODE=-532, SQLSTATE=23504, DRIVER=4. [Read More]

File Downloads From Connections Using SPNEGO

With IBM Connections, there are options to utilize different SSO options. One of the easier is using Windows Integrated Authentication, better known as SPNEGO. This uses the AD domain and the user’s Windows credentials to issue a ticket that can be used to authenticate users against other resources, such as an IBM Connections site. In some cases, this doesn’t work like it should. One example is if the user gets an email with a link to download a file stored in Connections, but hasn’t yet authenticated with the site. [Read More]

Startup Beans and Adding Additional Nodes in Connections

Last week, working with a customer that had setup a two-node install of Connections 5.5. Getting ready to go live and we noticed an issue in the SystemOut log of the InfraCluster when the server would start or when the search index task would run. CLFRW0454E: Unable to get indexing information about the current server, the index will not be built for this server. We had followed the instructions for adding the new node, and couldn’t determine why we were seeing this issue. [Read More]

IBM Connections 5.5 CR1 and Connections Mail - issue with calendar picker

After updating a test server with Connections 5.5 CR1, a customer noticed that the calendar picker in Activities would stay open after selecting a Due Date for an activity. This didn’t happen in 5.5 or earlier versions. We opened a PMR with IBM and after some back and forth, according to IBM the issue is related to Connections Mail being enabled on the server. If you don’t have Connections Mail enabled, there’s no issue. [Read More]