IBM Notes 9.0.1 on MacOS and Java 8 Update Higher Than 152 Not Working

An IBM Technote was published last week regarding IBM Notes 9.0.1 for MacOS and the Java 8 update 152 or higher. After this update, the Notes client on Mac doesn’t respond to mouse or keyboard input which is less than helpful and almost not useful. The workaround for the moment is to downgrade to Java 8 update 151, which appears to be the highest level that doesn’t fail with Notes. To get the Java update, you need to go to the Oracle Java download archive site and choose the update 151 for Java 8 Runtime. [Read More]
notes  macOS 

IBM Notes 9.0.1 Java patch and IF1 installation tip

Earlier in October, IBM released JVM patches for Notes and Domino for both the 1.6 and 1.8 versions of the JVM. Here’s a link to the Interim Fix page with the download links. This week, Interim Fix 1 for the 9.0.1 Notes client was released as well. If you have previously installed the JVM patches for the Notes client, you will want to re-install the JVM patch as the IF puts the previous version back in place. [Read More]

IBM Notes and Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 9 available

Looks like IBM Domino and IBM Notes 9.0.1 Feature Pack 9 are available for download from Fix Central Link to all Domino downloads Link to all Notes downloads Here’s a quick hit of new features available in each: Domino: The documentation in Knowledgebase will be updated with these new features to coincide with the ship date of 9.0.1 FP9 Enhancement Request To Be Able To Increase The Amgr Queue Beyond 100 (SPR #RSTNA4SL7C APARID: LO87242) The Agent Manager’s Eligible queue is now able to change from the lowest value possible at 100, to 255 which is the highest value possible via an INI AMGRMaxQueue. [Read More]

Location Document Mailserver Field - What Not to Use

Working with a client recently on some policy setting updates and we ran into an issue where the new policy wasn’t taking effect on his client. We made the change to the policy (in this case an Archive policy) and could see that it had been processed and applied to the mail file. Checking the user’s Notes client, the link to the Archive was not showing up. I opened up the ($Policies) view in the user’s local names. [Read More]

Join Me Next Week for a GROUP Talk Webcast

Please join me next week for a GROUP Talk webcast on “Two Minute Drills for Administrators” where I’ll reprise my presentation from this year’s PACLUG event. The event will be at 11am EDT on September 7. This webcast will give you some tools to manage and maintain servers and users by teaching you easy, two-minute drills to implement in your office! Discussions will focus on Notes/Domino, Quickr, Sametime, and even Connections! [Read More]

Android Att Traveler Getting Them to Play Nice

So, if you’re a Lotus Notes user who bought an Android device on the AT&T network, you probably want to try out Lotus Traveler. Unfortunately, when you try to install Traveler on your device, you’ll get a rude awakening. AT&T doesn’t like apps that aren’t in the market and they block you from installing it. That’s where a nice app called Sideload Wonder Machine comes in. This post will cover using it on Windows to install Lotus Traveler, and another post will cover Mac (and Linux). [Read More]

SNTT: Sending New Users a Welcome Email

I’ve been using this agent for a few months to send new users a welcome email that includes links to common tips on using Notes, a link to the Tips database, and a link the email signature creator application. The sent message is “prettified” with HTML, so it looks nice. It’s also personalized to the user. There’s always room for improvement, specifically, moving the actual message text into a document to make it easier to maintain. [Read More]
notes  domino  SNTT 

DST and Mail Agents

I was prepping for the DST agents yesterday and thought, “Hey, this would make a great tip.” Seems that Susan Bulloch thought so as well and beat me to the punch. Check out her SNTT: How to generate a text file with mail file names plus using Policies to set Location Doc settings post on how to build the text file used by the centralized agent. One other item that I’ll add is that sometimes the mailfiles in the Domino Directory don’t have the . [Read More]
domino  SNTT  notes 

SNTT: Desktop Policies and Mail Templates

OK, so I’m taking advantage of the West coast time frame and sneaking this in under the wire. When you’re editing your Desktop policy’s Mail Template Information section, be sure to have a copy of the template you specify on your local machine. If you don’t, you’ll get an error when the field is validated. The intent it to be sure that the file exists on the server, but it only looks at the local drive. [Read More]